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Monday, March 18, 2013

Rare Ninja Mask

Rawr Jammers!  I have a little equation for ya: Monday = RIM  (Rare Item Monday)  Ah, I wish math was always this easy.  ANYWAY, the rare item for today is the rare ninja mask sold on the 3rd page of Jam Mart Clothing.  What is with rare items and purple?  Is purple considered a rare color or something?

As you can see, I don't have enough gems for it. ^.^  Oh well, I guess I can do without the mask.  I got a little memo from AJHQ reminding Jammers about it as well.

And a DE post about the rare:

Isn't it funny what they say about being "sneaky and mysterious".  Let's hope they're not sneaky as in scamming!

Yay, one of my pics was selected for the Kinyonga's contest!  (Does little jig).  Go to Animal Jam Times to see all the winners!

Finally, I added music to the site!  Scroll down to the bottom to change the song or stop the music if it drives you nuts.  (Very sorry if it does.)  Later gators!

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There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2