Ahh, no post yesterday, sorry! Yesterday's item was the FIRST EVER DEN ITEM RARE!!
Wow, I really like the coloring on this. The price, not so much.
And today's item is the surprising return of the Tea Pots!
They've come back from beta and brought the beta price with it! I didn't know cheap stuff still existed in Jamaa. O.O So...who's happy about the return of yet another beta? What if ALL the beta stuff comes back?? Then, "rare" people will have no "rare" items anymore. What if they bring the beta den back as a den option?
Okay, no more what ifs. What if it was Tuesday and members got their weekly diamond? Alright, that actually happened.
I'm glad there's a weekly diamond, because I sure haven't gotten any in the daily spin! Has anyone?
Some posts on the DE:
Later peeps! Keep Roarin.
I got three diamonds in the daily spin!
Really? That's awesome!