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Friday, October 18, 2013

Scary Pumpkin Mask

Roar Jammers!  Yippee, it's Friday!  -Does little jig-  Sadly, we don't have a Friday-worthy item (in my opinion, at least.)

The Angy Pumpkin Mask from the Hot Cocoa Hut.  I didn't know you smiled when you're angry.  I guess If you're a pumpkin, you do.

Doesn't a look a bit odd on an animal?

But 50 percent of AJ's clothes look weird on animals, so I really shouldn't be surprised.
 ( :OO  I should so do a collaboration of the weirdest AJ items!)

And what do you know?

New Jammer Snaps!  I really hope they get a lot of good entries.  Because I've noticed the quality of News Crew entries has been going down.

If you read it, you'll noticed that AJ HQ like blanked out the users of the people the person interviewed.  Which makes sense.

Here's a super random thing I found in Sarepia.  :D  In the bushes, you can see a little phantom zipping about.

Hee, you can run, but you can't hide!

 Here's a Jammer Voice write-in from Pupp1266.

"Animal Jam has changed so much over time, and it honestly isn't a good thing! Does anyone else remember 2 years ago when aj was a PEACEFUL PLACE!? Remember when alden was the only "rare" server? Well that's all gone. Animal Jam is apparently only about rares and scamming and hacking these days.

So dissapointing."

That's a good write-in topic, thanks!

 Have nice weekend!  Keep roaring. =^.^=


  1. Why do people scam and hack and bully and say inappropriate stuff have inappropriate usernames and inappropriate dens? THIS IS A KIDS GAME IM TALKING ABOUT 5 YEAR OLDS HERE!!!

    1. that is so true my 6 year old sister plays this game!!


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1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
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Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2