Roar Jammers! The new item is the returning Maple Leaf Rug.
Very festive, but I never really realized it left. o-o Thank Zios it's back, then!
In other news, there are a couple of strange glitches going on.
First of all, a few items in trading seem to be numbered.
Also, a few JAGs are numbered!
And, some of the words don't quite fit in the blank!
And the words themselves are smaller now.
And there's a nice post on the DE!
AJ HQ seems to be feeling good-humored recently, if you know what I mean. And look they said "created by a Jammer." :O That couldn't be...yes ...they mean Kinyonga! XD
I won't be able to post anymore until Tuesday because of a trip. "Where are you going?" you might ask. Why click here to find out. So the amazing Lemo will be posting instead! :D
Oh, go here to see my contest results!
Later peeps!
First comment!
Congrats! ^-^