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Friday, December 6, 2013

Gingerbread Gift Express

Roar Jammers!  The Daily Gift is the new Gift Express train thingy!

How original. :3  Reminds me a bit of the train set, anyone see a resemblance?

The new item for today is the returning Gingerbread Tree house sold for 2 diamonds in the Diamond Shop.

I guess the price isn't too bad...but I don't recommend purchasing this, if I were you.  It's kinda...eh.

After having some more time to experiment with the amazing deer, here are some clothing items that look best on them. (In my opinion.)

Tops hats, Jamaaliday bows, and gloves of any type look nice.

Headdresses look pretty good, as well as leis and snow shoes.

Elf hats are awesome!  So are striped scarves and Jamaaliday scarves...Not to mention bow and arrows and swords.

Pilgrim hats also look pretty cute. 
And of course, antlers and horns.

Feel free to share other ideas!

Lastly, here's a great Jammer Voice response!

That's it Jammers.  Roar on! =^.^=


  1. I like today's gift. :3
    And i think leaf necklaces and elf braclets look pretty good too! :D

  2. Me too fluffy bunny 326

  3. Thanks for posting my comment!

  4. The gingerbread treehouse is kind of too big to look good anywhere :3

  5. Wow the gift of the day is really cool! But I really wish weren't selling the Jamaaliday items in the diamond shop because I don't have any gems.

  6. Whoops, I meant diamonds, not gems!

  7. Great post I like the reindeer and I'm glad reindeer don't cost diamonds

  8. I like the scarves and elf hats also, slingshots, and elf shoes. Put them together with a nice color combination then POOF! You have Santa's worker with a slingshot :)


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Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2