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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Heart Pathway

Roar Jammers!  The new item today is the Heart Pathway.

Reminds me of the peppermint walkway thing.  I think they could have added a smidgen more detail to the hearts.  But other than that, looks pretty good!  Here's something you could try. :D

Oh-so-rainbow. o3o

I saw this outfit pairing someone did with the top coat that ACTUALLY MAKES IT LOOK GOOD.

It's really awesome with a head flower!  Who knew?

Here's some art of the Daily Explorer that's pretty cute.

I like how the person drew in a little fox hat and fountain. 8D

Now to see the results of the contest click here.  Please be good sports, everyone's entries were great!

So long AJammers!


  1. 1) I love that little Den Designer that you did there ^.^
    2) Aww... didn't win :/ Oh well...
    3) Advanced trade system.. I have a better idea. How 'bout we can make our trade list LLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNGGGGGEEEEERRRRR? I want more than 12 slots >.<

    1. I want to be able to add trade rules, like on Chicken Smoothie. That way we can put what's NOT for trade, and tell people to not ask for it.

  2. Numbers:
    And 12

    I hope it wasn't rigged..

  3. I wonder how many votes I got, it would be interesting and helpful for future outfits to know...
    But I suppose I will never know.
    -rascalcat ( number 21)

    1. You got 2 votes, which was actually pretty good because a lot of outfits got one or no votes. So congrats!

  4. Hi, Rocky! I won't be commenting on Saturday, Sunday but maybe Monday. I'm going to a mall and it has themed rooms! I and my family will be staying in the igloo room >.O Soooo exited XD see you! --Ambert--

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Commenting Rules
There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2