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Friday, January 17, 2014

Hockey Sticks

Roar Jammers!  Three more days to ENTER MY CONTEST!  Today's new item is another addition to the stationary winter sports.  The Hockey Sticks!

 I neither like nor dislike this item.  I do appreciate they included a helmet with the sticks though.  Safety first!

What now?  Oh yeah, yesterday I kinda just stood between two games in the Sol Arcade (I don't even remember why) and I...got stuck.  I am NOT KIDDING. O.O  I was stuck between the games and couldn't move my deer.  Here:

As you can see, I kinda goofed off a little making my deer run in place. XD My poor Prancing.  She probably cries softly in her bed at night.  ^.^

Random invisible person.

As a matter of fact, I can not. 

Okey, now for an awesome JV suggestion from oct4worldanimalday.

Yes!  I agree!  That would add even MORE variety to the AJ animals.

Now for a comment topic!  If you could work for AJ HQ (even for a day) what's the first thing you would do/change about Jamaa?

Thanks for viewing guys!  Roar on 4ever!! :DD


  1. Hmm... If I were AJHQ for a day... Is it wrong to say I would give myself tons of Betas and Rares...? Because, well, I would do that. And I would also bring back the Epic Wolf Plushie in the Animal Jam Outfitters, it is not there anymore! I wanted to get it for my Birthday, which was tomorrow, but they didn't have any >.<

    1. I meant which is tomorrow, not which was tomorrow

  2. I would increase the number of servers, even though they're really expensive to manage. I'm actually planning on working at Smart Bomb after I finish college or university.

  3. If i was AJHQ, i would make the diamond shop animals an shaman, and deer a shaman too. I would also bring back the old Crystal Sands and design a land of my own! :P And also, i would add the story of Jamaa into the DE and make an opinion to switch the mane off in the lions so you can be a girl lion! C: And perhaps i could design an animal on AJ and design a den. Well really, there's tons of things i would do.

    1. Wow! That is AWESOME! I never thought of that! I love the old Crystal Sands, it was do pretty!

  4. Today's item is a bit boring -_-
    And if I could work for AJ only for a day, I would bring all the betas INCLUDING SPIKE COLLAR (not spike wrist because I have one :) back!


  5. If i worked at AJHQ for a day I would get rid of the diamonds.
    ^Diamonds are unfair to NonMembers in my opinion^

  6. I would promote Jamaasian culture.

  7. I would resell all rares, add some new parties, add a squirrel animal :D and maybe bring back the alphas, zios and mira!

    1. It would be cool to have AJHQ be the Alphas so you could ask them questions and such! Like ask Graham what his favorite food is or whatever!

    2. exactly wolfez! ajhq would have there own account!

    3. AJHQ had their own account before! They had Guide Wednesdays, couple of guides from AJHQ go around and answer Jammers' questions! ^_^



  9. a) How do you get so many comments?
    b) That colour wheel idea is epic.
    c) I love caracals <3
    d) Thanks for posting on my blog!
    e) Check out my private blog, plz :3
    f) It helps if you save your screenshots as PNG or BMP rather than JPEG/JPG. (They don't have fuzz.)
    g) Hmm...nope, can't think of anything else.

    1. Well, I don't usually get this many comments. It's kinda random. XD
      Your welcome! Do you still need me to or are you back?
      Um, thanks for ze info. I've never really thought about that before. Gawsh, stop making me THINK about things. :p It's messing up my mellow-ness.

    2. Kinyonga, I read your blog, u said u can't post!!!!!! :O r u "on vacation". I'm mad because I read your blog and u lied :(


    3. Kinyonga is taking an "AJ Break" which will help convince her mom to stop giving "No-Computer Days" So she's not posting now so she'll be able to post a lot in the future. :D

    4. No, I ain't back yet ;)

      @dreamcloud13 - I didn't lie! Don't be daft :p if you actually read my blog, you'd have noticed that (like Rocky said just there) I'm taking an ANIMAL JAM break. Not a blogger break. An ANIMAL JAM break.

  10. If I worked for AJHQ:
    I'd remove the member locks on EVERYTHING: pets, clothes, den items, animals, dens, the diamond shop... no, I'd get rid of the diamond shop, and bring back The Monthly Member Gift.

  11. if i'd work for a day i'll make everyone a member forever :D

  12. if i worked for ajhq... i would bring back the beta days and everything would be just like it was the day the game started. i would do this once a year for the aj birthday the store items the lands EVERYTHING! so that new jammers could experiance the beta days too!
    P.s. its oct4worldanimalday i ussually comment on my ipad cuz i have a google account on it but now im on my desk top and i dont have a google account on it but thats what i would do if i worked for aj btw sorry about the spelling error XD anyway peace out rainbow trout! ~oct4worldanimalday~

  13. it i worked for aj hq i would make rare claws some back and all the rares come back for for evr!


Commenting Rules
There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2