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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snowboarding Helmet

Roar Jammers!  As you can see, I've changed the banner and coloring so that it looks all Valentine-y.  Is it alright?
Today's item is the Snowboarding Helmet.

AJ has an odd mix of humany items and more naturey items.  This item is definitely on the human side.  But it's funny how a human item can look so cute on a bunny!

Not to mention a deer.
Random observation:  The past two items' default colors have been pink.

They must be going through a phase. XD

Anywho, the little screen where you redeem a membership code has changed.

Maybe it's been like that for a while.  I'm really not sure. o_o

Okay, so you log in.  You see that you have JAGS.  You click on the JAGs before the Daily Spin pops up.

*Sigh*  So you log out and then log in again.  The grams still won't load.  You give up on opening the letters and just look for the new item.
The story of my morning!  Heehee.

Alright, here's a post on AJ's blog.

That's all for today.  Make sure to enter my contest! 


  1. The redeem code thing has been like that for a while ;)

    1. Oh, it must have just changed from the last time I entered a code.

  2. Today's item match the snow boots, but ya it is a "humany" item. And Kinyonga is right, it has been on for a long time the code thing. Plus that glitch happens to me a lot, I hate it.


  3. I love the new banner also, forgot to mention it in my last comment.

    Still me,


  4. I love the New Banner! It is so pretty! You make some epic Graphics! Mine look nothing like yours XD

  5. This new helmet looks like the aviator helmet, from over a year ago. The aviator helmet looks great on giraffes so I assume it would look cool on deer :)

  6. Umm, that screen has ben like that until agust 2013

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