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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer Carnnival and More!

Roar Jammers!  I had forgotten that today was update day!  It kinda popped up on me.  So, without out further ado...The Jamaa Journal!

Yay!  Summer Carnival is back!  Although, it seems a little early for it to come.  Oh wells.
It's pretty much identical to last years with a few nice touches.
There are four games (so far) you can play to earn tickets to buy prizes.  (Much like a real carnival.) :D

Your tickets are displayed under your gems like so:

There's a clothing shop where you can buy the popular raccoon tail, along with items.

And a shop with some new items, including the nm balloons!  So colourful and lively!

And the returning plushie shop with assorted plushies.

And if you're like me and prefer playing gem games, you can trade your gems in for tickets at a little stand.

Last year, this was only available for the last part of the S.C., but now it's available right away!

Moving on to the 2nd page.

Nothing new there. ^.^

Yes, we heard this last update too.  I seriously wish there was some better explanation.

The water park den is back!

Does anyone still have there's from last year?  Members can now put 200 den items into their dens.  I think it would be more helpful to have extra den item STORAGE space.  But for some reason AJ HQ never consults me. :D 

Stuff about the Jam Session.  Looks like a keyboard will be available soon.  Some pawesome contests entries are available in Jamaa Central.  Drats, I didn't win.  Oh wells.  Congrats, everyone who did!

Also, the diamond birthstone has returned?  I think that happened with a previous stone.  My question is, why?

A new activities calender has been released.

And the comment question relates to the SC

Are you glad that raccoon tails and other "rare" items have been brought back?

That was a LOOONNNGGG post.  Thanks for visiting the AJR!  Later peeps.


  1. To answer your question: Yes! That makes less drama over scammed rares.

  2. I am really glad I knew that the raccoon tails sold at the carnival... here's the story. Yesterday, someone asked "my tail for yours" Mine is tail ARMOR theirs was a raccoon tail... they tried to scam me into trading- although I already knew they were coming back! See scammers? IM SMART >:D

    1. Lol! Yeah, it's rude how Jammers try to take advantage of others. :(


Commenting Rules
There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2