Welcome to Animal Jam Roar! I hope you enjoy the blog. Be sure to comment and come back often for updates!! :)

Jammer Voice

Welcome to ze Jammer Voice page!  Animal Jam wouldn't be a game at all without us Jammers...so this page is to express Jammers' opinions on certain things.  What do you think of the new animal, den, adventure, ect.?  What do you think could be made better in AJ?
Make sure to vote on the polls I put up often (on the side bars).  Once each poll if finished, I'll put the results here.  Also, comment on one or any of the topic questions you see below, and your answer will most likely be featured on meh post! ^D^ 

Topic Questions
1. What new animals do you want to see in AJ?
2. What pets do you want to see?
3. What clothing or den items should AJ come out with?
4. What new dens should there be?
5. Should AJ completely bring back all betas/rares?
6. What is the best adventure so far?
7. Should non-members have more equality?
8. What is your most used animal?                             
A write-in. (Share your opinion on something else)

Poll Archive
Who is the best alpha?

1st place- Peck
2nd place- Greely
3rd place- Liza, Graham and Sir Gilbert
4th place-Cosmo

What would you buy if you had unlimited diamonds?

1st place- Ze whole store (Why did I even put this answer? :D) 
2nd place- An animal
3rd Place- Clothing and den items
4th Place- A pet and Music or Armor

How long have you been playing Animal Jam (as of October 2013)?

1st place- 1 year+
2nd place- 2 year+
3rd place- 3 year+
4th place- 1-5 months
5th place- 6-12 months

What is your favorite AJ holiday?

1st place- Jamaalidays
2nd place- Night of the Phantoms
3rd place- Fools Day and New Years
4th Place- Friendship fest
5th Place- Feast of Thanks
6th Place (0 votes)- Lucky Day

What is the best mini-store?

1st place- Epic Wonders
2nd place- Shiveer Shoppe and Mystery Emporium
3rd Place- Outback Imports and Conservation Museum
4th Place (0 votes)- Flag Shop

What is the best Diamond Shop animal?  (As of Nov. 2013)

1st place- Arctic Wolf
2nd Place- Cheetah
3rd Place- Kangaroo and Snow Leopard
4th Place- Lion (The poor thing..)

How do you earn most of your gems?

1st place- Adventures
2nd place- Games
3rd place- Daily Spin
4th Place- Other

How often do you keep your den locked?
1st place- Occasionally
2nd place- Most of the time
3rd Place- All the time
4th Place- Never


  1. I think they should bring back all the rares. Every. Single. One. I don't care if its in the diamond shop, but it would get rid of scamming as a whole. Perhaps not hacking, but people would also be able to get the items they've always wanted.


    1. I agree. It's funny how when you have no rares, you want them to come back, and when you are "rare," that is your worst nightmare.

    2. Hmm, I don't think that EVERY rare should come back, but possibly some. Yeah, it is a rare jammer's worst nightmare for all the rares to come back, just like my brother, who quitted because of the diamond shop's opening.

    3. I have always dreamed of equality. Non members can get bullied by stuck up members.. it's just not fair. I want an end to this. There should be more features for non members. I've played for 3 years, and I haven't seen Animal Jam making many changes for the equality of all. I sometimes email them, but all I get is the classic one.. I am an exceptionally nice Jammer. I love to give out free rares to respecting and kind New Jammers. (non members basically!) I was rare from the start, strangly, Cheerio!

  2. I personally think they should bring back some rares, but not all of them. Many people play for rares, and if all of them were sold, most of them might quit. Then AJ might go out of business! DX

  3. Non-members should *definitely* have more equality.
    In the whole history of my blog, I've posted about 333 (not joking) member items and only 90 non-member items! (Not including RIMs and Updates, though.)
    And AJ HQ has even *said* that AJ is about equality... D:
    Besides, it's only up to a certain point that a game can make almost everything member and not have everyone leave - after that, people leave because they're being pressurized into buying memberships.

  4. Rares are about the challenge.
    What game is without a challenge?
    DragonVale has Epic Dragons.
    TinyMonsters has Legendary Monsters.
    Even CLUB PENGUIN, for Mira's sake, has the chance you can see someone like Rockhopper.
    Say, if money didn't have any value anymore.
    The people with it become upset.
    The people without it become happy.
    Then it would become boring, and people would wish money still had value.
    Replace money with rares, and you easily get the picture.
    AJ used to give certain people rare things, like Beta Eyeballs.
    What if they could create new rares instead of bringing back old ones?
    I hope you take this into consideration.
    Cahill AJ

  5. Some neat den ideas in my opinion are a Rocky Forest den (for clanners), a Sky Castle den (above the clouds of Sky High), a nm-only Beta Treehouse den (think a doubled Trehouse den combined with the beta den), and a Schoolhouse den.
    Cahill AJ

  6. Well, I'm not really sure about what Animal Jam should do about betas. True, they're really fun to collect, but the whole point of Animal Jam was to provide a learning, safe, and fun environment for kids...not to collect rares. I think that Animal Jam should create new rares, and involve us more often in designing the items. There are so many different jammers out there with so many great ideas about new items, and having new things to collect and buy would be great! Plus, I think AJ has already gone off to a good start with the Adventure items. (Considering that they are all nearly non member.)

    Either way is fine for me, because friends was the whole meaning of Animal Jam in the first place. :)

  7. Non Members DESERVE the right to play this game like a normal person. These big huge locks are going to scare new players, thus less people on the game because new players thing it's *boring*. Animal Jam needs to resolve their money problems reasonably. Not taking away stuff from us non members, that will just cause people to quit playing.

    1. I completely agree! Just because animal jam is in a tight money spot it doesn't mean they have to take away things from non-members! They should stop being greedy big business people. Like I always saw AJHQ as a good place of goodness and kindness for some reason lol but that's not true and it is being manifested through this game! Like they say stop bullying! But there are two emotes the indicate fighting! Sooner or later their greed will get to them and all the new players will stop coming. The members might stay... Until their membership runs out. Then there is a good chance they will go bankrupt. P.S. sorry for the long comment. It's 4 am and this is my inspiration hour XD but just like the rest of us I have school tomorrow in exactly 3 hours actually so bye good night to you all!!- oct4worldanimalday

  8. I think that they should come out with pet kangeroos and pet seals. And pets of every animal. All the pets are so adorable and cute and aj has already done this with previous animals, which everyone loved.. In fact, I believe that pets should have equal rights! o_o I mean, everytime an animal comes out, in the next update a pet could come out. :D? And with pets, animals could come out( exept for, yano, the average housepets.) Also, I think it would be GREAT to have seasonal animals. (For example, reindeers for chrismas, cats for halloween, etc) that are only available during those holidays. I think It would be fantastic myself. :3 - creationa

  9. I have an answer for #5 (should AJ completely bring back betas/rares?):

    I say no. Let's go all the way back to beta times, when Animal Jam was first created. That was a testing period for Animal Jam, right? They were basically testing out Animal Jam to see if kids would like the website. Everything was temporary. The items, the way things were set up, the dens, everything. Only a few items survived from the beta times after Animal Jam officially opened. Those items are little pieces of history. Don't you think that if Animal Jam brought all of those items back they wouldn't be so special anymore?
    Think of it this way. Think of real antiques that you can buy in the real world. They're little pieces of history, right? They all come from different time periods, and they're all special on their own way. If people started selling them again, they wouldn't be so special any more would they?
    That's all I'm saying. I think that Animal Jam should just leave betas as they are. I mean sure, it would be cool if one or two could come back now and then but if you're going to bring back the beta items, it might as well be beta times again.
    I hope you like my answer! ^^

  10. (Question 1)
    Well, Ostriches sound cool, their dance may be like flapping their wings and balancing, while play is.. I have no idea! XD Their sleep will be like curled up like a fox, but a bit different, hop is, regular hopping! Sitting may be kinda related with a kangaroo, but feet hidden neatly under. And how about bears? o3o Dance may be like Sully`s on Monsters University, standing on hind paws and raising front paws in the air like "WOOOOOOOOO MY TEAM WON! :D" Play is like, eating a salmon?; XD Sleep is like lying on back, paw on chest like "Uggh I`m EXHAUSTED" Hop is a hop, but lower a bit. Sit is like an indian seat.

    1. Wow! o-o Dude, AJ HQ should HIRE YOU!

    2. I`m still young, I can barely animate and do shading. XD
      But who knows? In the future I may be lucky. o3o

    3. ya i told ajhq to add ostrich glad i am not the only one who wants it.

    4. More flying animals would be great, too. ^.^

  11. Can I share my opinion on something that isn't one of the topic questions? ^_^

  12. I really want there to be a SQUIRREL!! It'd be so cute and fluffy and bawwwwwww! For the play action it could throw an acorn around. :3

  13. Here's a write in:

    Animal Jam has changed so much over time, and it honestly isn't a good thing! Does anyone else remember 2 years ago when aj was a PEACEFUL PLACE!? Remember when alden was the only "rare" server? Well that's all gone. Animal Jam is apparently only about rares and scamming and hacking these days.

    So dissapointing.

  14. (for number 3)
    Animal Jam needs to make something fun like a non member wallpaper that has paw prints on it. The backround would be a very light brown, and the paws would be more of a cocoa color. I think non members deserve a little more than clouds!

  15. (6) My favorite adventure is actually The Hive, but only if you have 2 or more experienced players in it.
    Cahill AJ

  16. (7.) I think that non members SHOULD have MORE equality than they have right now.I know that members are paying to get more stuff,but they have been limiting and limiting non member things for the past month. Im not saying Animal Jam should give everything to non members, but at least SOME.

  17. (7?) You're missing the video plaque and the news crew plaque.

  18. (On question 1)

    First, about cheetahs, I think they shouldn't be sold in the diamond shop. Jammer's only options are to either buy a diamond card ($15.90/$25.95) or wait ten weeks (Or less). I think AJHQ knows how impatient some kids are, so, they have diamond cards, and then the kids will buy them, PLUS membership! Everywhere you go in Jamaa, there is mostly members, right? In all the worlds, its like that! AJHQ should have been getting enough money from that I think.

    I think a few updates from now, thers should be a new animal! A squirrel! Actions i thought about! Hop: When it hops, an acorn appears below it's feet, and it pushes it into the ground!
    Dance: Puts it's hand on it's hip, leans a little that way, puts it's other hand on it's hip, and shifts! Play: Digs into the ground, comes up with 5 acorns, and juggles them! Sleep: curls onto a ball and wraps it's tail around itself. :D


  19. (Question 7)
    Should nonmembers have more equality?

    I say yes, while at the same time, no. First, I will talk about yes.
    I think there should be more nm items more often. Lets face it: For this season there are how many nm Halloween items? Only 4. Clothes: Frankenstine mask. Den items: Spooky lights, Skull Tombstone, Candy Bowl. -.- Sounds boring, doesn't it? There should be more nm items, so it does't get boring! They can't get a proper spooky outfit or den! Every day, AJHQ should switch it off. Nm item, member item, nm item member item etc.

    Secondly, no.

    Members keep the game running, Jammers! It's like this: No members, no Animal Jam. PERIOD! AJ NEEDS members, so AJHQ managers can pay the people who work there! The people who create the pixels gotta get money for their hard work, and time.

    Those are my opinions. So Jammers, I'm neutral on the whole thing. Happy Jamming! :3


  20. (Question 4)
    Well for those who have played the Cosmo adventure I think they should sell his den with those leaf stairs and things but take out the hammock and wall garden and stuff well bye i am playing it right now to get a boom seed tree


    - SINCERELY, Xavier883 (Sorry for Caps)

    1. Here Are the Details for Questions 1, 2, and 4 ( I forgot to add them)

      Jaguars' Actions

      Hop: They step Backwards and jump Foward
      Dance: they do a Front Flip and a Back Flip and then a Spin Jump
      Play: they make a Sneaky Pose and roar
      Sit: just like the Snow Leopard
      Sleep: Just like the Snow Leopard but Upside Down


      If you click orioles:
      They come to the ground and catch an Earthworm

      And the Jungle Hut may look:

      Like the Small hut, but Bigger, With More Rooms, With a Bigger Yard, and with a Jungle-Themed Background


  22. Creationa! Your wish came true! Animal Jam came out with a reindeer that you can buy during the Jamaalidays!

  23. (On question 5)
    I think AJHQ should bring back every last rare because it will stop all scamming, and hacking. (little side note here aj isnt about rares its about having fun and making friends!!) so peeps thats what i think! btw ppl all ur rares are just PIXELS!

  24. I think that Animal Jam should come out with sparkly santa hats that you can change the color of. You could make them red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, silver, or gold. And you could buy a matching one for your pet.

  25. Topic Questions
    1. What new animals do you want to see in AJ?Non-Member Owls
    2. What pets do you want to see?Non-MemberCheetah
    3. What clothing or den items should AJ come out with?Non-member Water Slide
    4. What new dens should there be?Non-Member Beach Den
    5. Should AJ completely bring back all betas/rares?Yes
    6. What is the best adventure so far?Phantom Portal
    7. Should non-members have more equality?Yes!Of Course!I Am One Myself!
    8. How long do you think AJ will continue? (Aka, when will it go out of business?) Never,I Hope
    9. What is your most used animal?My Bunny,Precious FancyLady

  26. I kind of decline on non members being able to do everything members can, members are what keep AJ running. But not being able to see the Previous said chat is something they should be able to do.

  27. Non members should have more equality. AJ has to make money and I get that but seriously nonmembers should at least be able to change colors or buy more than one den and count member items on site then count non member way less

  28. I think my most used animals should be around Rhino, Fox, Cheetah, and Dolphin! Next should be Roo, Horse, Deer and Arctic Wolf


  29. AJ HQ:
    Lemme speak to you.
    I'm going to say:
    Bring back all the rares TODAY.

    1. *Applauds*
      *Screams as loud as possibly can-*
      *Passes out from lack of air*

    2. Applaudes TIMES a million get it.

  30. 1. I would like to see some type of bird of prey! Like an eagle or a falcon!
    2. I think every AJ animal should have a pet- Some animals get pets while the others cry softly in their sleep at night. (Too dramatic?)
    3. I think a cool den item would be some new nm wallpaper. Something a nice color. Also, a good clothing collection would be an Earth Armor collection. I know it sounds cheesy but Phoenix (Fire), Ice (Water), Wind Armor all exist WE NEED THE FINAL ELEMENT.
    4. Dens? Maybe a cave. Or a Sky Scraper with 100000000000000000000000000000000 floors! >:D Or less, you know.
    5. No. Most of the fun of AJ is collecting Rares, Betas, etc. I know without them AJ would not be as fun :/ Sorry to be a sour puss but they should not be brought back.
    6. Best Adventure? I like Phantom Portal Hard mode. I KNOW HOW TO GET A SLING SHOT EVERYTIME IN IT :D Also the prizes are good!
    7. Should nms get more equality? Hmm.. Not really. AJ needs members to fund the website. But they should at least be able to see the Chat History. :/
    8. I think for a few more years- OR GO ON FOREVER >:D
    9. Baron Desertpaw! She is my wolf. With the headdress. And the grey and green color scheme.

  31. the new animals i want are ostrich,hippo,capybaras.
    pet i want basilisk lizard and it has it's own little game just like the snake and dog and duck.when you click it it runs on water

  32. I have an idea for a anima and and wallpaper. Wall paper: Non member rainbow colored smoke that says JAM ON! animal: non member Sloth Dance: Both arms out and moving back and forth Play: Eating whatever sloths eat Hop: starts hopping like a wolf just when in air the arms are up. sleeping:curling up with claws in front of them.


  33. I think aj should not only give us a pre-selected color palate but! Give us a color wheel with all the colors and such! Then we won't have to feel awkward cuz we know our outfit could be better but we don't have the right color to complete it!! So just a suggestion- oct4worldanimalday

  34. Ok, if the beta came back and you could keep the items you bought then, what would you take?
    1) All the worns
    2) All of the gloves
    3) All of the beards
    4) All of the gazzel horns

    Ok, now for den items!

    1) the orange and blue pillow
    2) sewing machine
    3) books
    4) cami's frog

    Eheh enjoy!

    1. --Ambert which just noticed to put her name--

  35. Whats your favorite cupcake?! /jammermonkey123\

  36. My User Is JoslinRocks No caps I have membership and im part of Thunderclan

  37. I totally agree that non members should have more rights. Owls are members only and in the diamond shop! So are Eagles! And that's not fair! Us NonMembers should deserve more! Also, AJHQ should stop putting all the new items in the D-Shop (Ok that sounds wrong, but you get the idea) Hopefully AJHQ will be more fair soon.


Commenting Rules
There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2