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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Nesting Liza Doll

Roar Jammers!  When I saw the new item today, I literally went: O.O  The Nesting Liza Dolls are for sale in Epic Wonders.

Wow.  For one thing, I would call it "Liza Nesting Doll" instead of "Nesting Liza Doll."  But that's just me.
When you buy it, it starts as a single doll.  Keep clicking it and four more dolls will pop out...

Just like Russian stacking dolls. :D  This item seems a bit weird at first, but then it becomes kinda neat.

A random bit of knowledge:  You used to be able to hit back space a bunch of times and make this face: O.O  But now you can't do it at all. :(

Did ya know there are some funny people on AJ?  Not just wackos (like me) but actually FUNNY people. :p  Here are some funny AJ pics I've gathered from different blogs.

Animal Jam Rapids
Animal Jam Secrets
Woodwolf's Code Central
Animal Jam Insiders
The Animal Jam Expert
Lol. XD Rejoice in the randomness.

Yesterday I spaced and forgot to do the RIM rating AND the Rarer vs. Better.  So today's I'll just do the Rarer vs. Better.
Bongo drums

Which one do you find rarer, and which would you rather have?  Or would you rather have whichever one is rarer? :D  Share your opinion!

Btw...here are couple o' pics from my Ireland trip.

So long peeps!  Keep on roaring.  I'll post more pics soon on Thy Photos!


  1. Wow, Ireland is beautiful! I have dolls just like those at home that I got as a gift from my dad's friend who has a Russian wife. They're really cool, plus the dolls look very pretty. ^.^

  2. I would chose Globe for Both =D

  3. Ireland?! Lucky. I wanna go. I don't get to travel a whole lot. But I went ti=o the zoo today.

  4. Globe is more well-known then the Bongo Drums. Also, Bongo Drums were sold in the Coral Canyons Shop while the Globe is beta.
    XD So I'm not the only one with a flat sense of humor that makes people cringe when they see or hear it?

  5. OMG I was wondering why everyone had liza nesting dolls so when i read this i went to Epic Wonders and saw it ^.^!!!!!

  6. Liza Nesting Dolls when i read dis im like ummm AWESOME!!
    cuz everyone had one this leads to comment above user: arielluva if u want to buddy me on aj thx ^.^

  7. No caps this leads to comment above


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There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2