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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Candle Ornament

Roar Jammers!  First, I have some unfortunate news.  I have yet another trip to go on that starts this afternoon and ends Sunday (I should be able to post on Sun.)  Lemo will hopefully be posting, if she can.
But now some good news!  The first Jamaaliday item has made its way to stores.

I love all the color options. :3  The price, too.

An interesting adventure glitch happened the other day.  I clicked "Host and Adventure" and just clicked play before anyone joined.  But the "Join me" button stayed the whole adventure!

It was quite hilarious, actually.
Here's a graphic that I did that isn't too horribly bad.  (I hope.)

Now for all the suggestions yall submitted yesterday!

Fuzzheadlola suggested the lava floor in a mushroom den...

Loomers suggested the starry wallpaper in a snow fort den..

Aubrey suggested the slate floor in a Gingerbread House den..

Xavier883 suggested lava floor in a barn..

And Bubblewrap suggested Blue Sky and Spider Web together in a Mushroom Hut.

Awesome guys!
Now I'll say bye until Sunday.  Bye until Sunday!

P.S. Want to know where I'm going this time?  Click here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay!!! I'm so excited for the Jamaalidays!!! I'm going to buy some candles. This is my first Christmas on Animal Jam. Will they come out with a tree to put in your den?

    1. i think they came out with a tree from epic wonders but im not sure because this is my first jamaalidays too
      p.s. i hope headresses come out on feast of thanks (Thanksgiving)

    2. There is a tree sold for (I believe) 500 gems. It's pretty big! They also sell normal ornaments that can be changed color, and piles of presents. This will be my 3rd Christmas in Jamaa, and my 2 Year Playing Anniversary is December 14th. Most of the Jamaalidays stuff is member however. :(

  3. OMG YAY I'M A TOP COMMENTER XD Also, my one-year Animal Jammer anniversary is coming up on December... 8th (my b-day ^-^), and then my one-year membership anniversary is on February 10th or something like that. Anyway, have fun on your trip!

  4. I'm so excited for Jamaalidays! I LOVE them!

  5. Im so excited for the new year! :D I can't wait till i get a present! Maybe i will get a laptop! :DDDD

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There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2