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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Raor Jammers!  Today's new item is not super exciting, especially after the surprising return of the fox hats yesterday.  It's the corn that you can add to your garden plot.  This is sad.  I thought all the plants were going to be nm. :(

I've noticed that the corn grows a lot slower than the tomatoes.  Interesting...

Today's the VERY last day to get your diamond birthstone.  Don't thank me for the notice, thank AJ HQ. :D
 I guess I know what the new item for tomorrow will be.  Speaking of memos, when, in your opinion, is the most annoying time to get them?  Mine if definitely when I'm playing a game:
I almost got it, I almost got it!  *Memo pops up* *I loose the game! D:* *Failure music comes on*

Anyway, I guess AJ HQ is late with their DE post for today.

 Keep playing Animal Jam, Jammers!  (Ok, that's a bad closing line.)   Play Wild!  (Nah, too common.)  Have fun around Jamaa!  (No, no, no!)  How about...  So long, roarers!  Rocky is out. PEACE!

...Ok, that works. :D


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