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Sunday, April 14, 2013


Roar Jammers!  Today's new item is the...(wait for it).....ultimately exciting rope!!  (crowd boos) Yes, yes, I know.  Not ultimately exciting.  More like ultimately UNexciting.  But, hey, I don't mean to offend anyone who's a fan of ropes!

The other day I logged into my storage account (it doesn't have free chat) and randomly tried to type the word "I". 
You can't type the word "I" anymore in restricted chat??  I mean, I can understand some words, but "I?"  I use I all the time!  (See?)  Also, no more saying "I" on grams..

Jeez, what has Animal Jam come to?  We need to start a revolution called the Great "I" Revolt!  Fighting for the power to say the word "I."  :D  JK, don't take that seriously.  Unless you want to, of course... ^.^

In other news, I officially have a contest up on my contest blog!  "What is it about?",you might ask.  Well, you can go to this link to find out: ajroarcontests.blogspot.com  You can also access it through the contest and giveaway tab.  Enjoy!

Later gators!

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Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2