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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Golden Wattle

Roar Jammers!  It took me FOREVER to find today's new item, even though it was in a very obvious place.  Here's the Golden Wattle sold in Outback Imports!

A Wattle, what's that?  Well I searched "Golden Wattle" and apparently it's a real plant!

Looks very similar to the AJ version.  Good job AJ HQ!

Here's a memo from AJ HQ that was sent out yesterday.

Hmm, what DO you think it will be like?  I hope it's something completely different from the previous two.  Come on, let's put a new spin on adventures!

Suave?  AJ HQ, you are hilarious!

Check out the You Tube link to my channel! <<--
Also, vote on the new polls!

6 followers until a contest!
5,000 views until ANOTHER contest!
Later gators. Rocky is out, PEACE.


  1. Awesome post. You seem to have a knack for writing! XD

    1. Thankies! I love your blog posts as well! I'm so glad I started blogging. I just love writing posts and meeting awesome bloggers!

  2. I really hope it will be different, because the adventures are basically the same. Corks and keys >.<

    1. Exactly. How about a secret spy mission or something of that sorts?

  3. I like the flower better in real life and I found a typo u put 5,5000 instead of 55,000

    1. Oops, that's not really a real number, is it? I'll fix it right away, thanks for the notice. ;)

  4. I wish you would have added Graham to the favorite alpha poll! He is my favorite :(

    1. Oh my Mira, I forgot Graham! Poor, forgotten Graham. I will fix that asap.


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There's only three main rules for commenting!
1. Don't say anything to intentionally hurt another person.
2. No inappropriate language. ^.^
3. No spam comments please! (Me hates spam messages.)

Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2