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Thursday, September 12, 2013

AJ B-Day and More!

Roar Jammers!  Wow, AJ is 3 years old!  That's like 21 in dog years. XD  But first, it's officially Fall time in AJ!

Ah, it's just so pretty this time of year.  -Sighs happily-  Now, on to the J.J!

 The phantom portal is now open for everyone.  Bout time!

The AJ Birthday Party has returned!  It looks pretty much like last year's.  You get to walk on a giant cake and look out into the ice cream mountains.  The usual. :p

And there's some bronze stuff for sale again.

I especially like ze fountain. ^^
And AJBDAY 3 gets you this cute lil' Mt. Shiveer cake.

How adorbs. :3
Our suspicions were correct!  The Medical Center has returned.  It's defo one of the coolest rooms in Jamaa.

I love how simple and Jamaasian it is.  Completely understated, which makes it perfect.

There's also a mini-shop there with some bandages and such.  Eh.  They look fine for the medical center, but maybe not for wondering around Jamaa.

 Adventure Invites...Hmm, this MIGHT be helpful.  I'm still not completely clear on how it works.

0.o  Oh wait, I get it!  Maybe if you click on "Join me," it will take you to that exact adventure with that exact person.  Clever.

I better mention that the Base Camp has been rearranged again.  It's way more centralized, I hope it stays this way.  And look!

New adventure called "The Hive" coming soon. :D  And, of course, the new shop.

Drat, it wasn't power-ups like I'd hoped.  But not bad.  A bit pricey and only one non-member but not bad.  Although, the poor phantoms!  Maybe if we just tried TALKING to them.  But nope!  We cage them up and collect them as items. :T

Next is Arty art stuff.

Where do you even GET to the sketch jam video? 0.0

Meet Cosmo is hard mode?  Yikes.  Migrating elephants?  Yay.

In other news, a little Nat Geo sign has been added to the log in screen.

Enjoy the update, everyone!  And no, I have not forgotten about the contest.  I'm just so busy! >.<
Later peeps. :3

Oooh, ahh, new name-tag.


  1. Wow, so many new things! I'm so excited! I can't figure out how to do the Join Me thing though. If anyone knows how, please tell me. That Mount Shiver cake IS adorable!! And the new hospital is pretty cool! You should be able to sign the casts.

  2. Oh, ok, I figured it out. Pawsome!!

  3. umm you get to the sketch jam thing by going to coral canyons, going into the art studio, clicking the art easel, then look down at the bottom, then it will show a happy penguin with a pencil, then you click it. so far the guy who draws stuff for animal jam has only done a bunny for us... its still cute :3

    1. oh yeah and I found something near "The Hive" adventure entrance... there is some stairs that lead up and when you find the stairs and go up them, you will find yourself surrounded by cave crystal when I first saw it I was like "I AM THE CAVE CRYSTAL QUEEN XD!" it was funny

  4. HEEEEEEREEEEEE is the SOOOONGGGG http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A01gFIAxmUw


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