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Monday, September 23, 2013

Rare Skull Mask

Roar Jammers!  Today's RIM is the frightening yet simply amazing rare skull mask.

The glowing purple eyes are just the teeniest bit creepy.  Teeniest.

In adventures, you know how you can see where the other players are?  I've noticed that the player icon has shrunk.

Either that, or us Jammers have very small faces. o3o

Now, lets do a random item compare! :D

Beta tail-armor vs. diamond shop tail-armor.  The only major difference is the Diamond Shop one is a bit darker than the beta one.  And the lines above the red circles are more yellowish.  Oh and we can't forget the difference that you can't buy the beta version. ;D

Sorry about the relatively short post.  I just can't keep my eyes open anymore...
Wait, I'm back!  XD Keep roaring! =^.^=


  1. Hey Rocky! its your friend on aj ashleylovesanimals! I made a vid about your blog ( AMAZING) Anyway if u want to see the vid i am ashleylovesanimals03 on youtube! thanks

    love, ashley

    1. Aww, thanks! :3 Ok, I will defo check it out!! =^.^=

  2. I do agree that the skull mask looks just
    a teeny tiny bit spooky :P Oh, and are
    they rare or beta in some way?


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