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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Cannon

Roar Jammers!  Today's item is the (drumroll please.....)

Snow Cannon!  Perfect for ambushing any unwanted buddies who happen to wonder into your den...(I'm kidding, I'm kidding!) 

Now for something random.

I'm a bit curious about how you would host a singing competition on AJ.  Let's see...what other things have I seen people host at their dens?

1. Trading Parties
2. Fashion Shows
3. Schools
4. Spas
5. Farms
6. Hotels
7. Arcades
8. Stables

Drat, I know I've seen more, but I just can't think of them.  Could you guys add to the list? :3

Now let's check in at Jammer Voice..Oh, here's an awesome response from wolfez!

 A cave den!  Brilliant!  And you know how to get a sling shot every time?  Lucky you! :D

Goodbye until tomorrow.  Roar on!


  1. Okay, you need a Lion and a Fox. When you get to the part with the Fox Cave, open it up (This needs to be on Hard Mode, FYI). Then behind it is the Lion Cave. Once you open that up the chest inside always contains a Slingshot. Hope this helped!

    1. And I have seen a bathroom in Jamaa. o.o It was very... weird...

    2. Cool, thanks!
      And, a bathroom? I have not seen that. Yet.

  2. What happened to whoever answering the most questions getting a green gecko plushie? Remember, from the Animal Jam Times?


    1. Practically everybody got all of them right, lol. And, I only had one green gecko. So I had to give it to the first person who got all of them, which was nafaria9. Sorry about that, I didn't expect the questions to be THAT easy.

    2. Lol, ok. Can you do something else like that? I love riddles!

  3. I've seen lots of proms and not-very-nice clubs and a bathroom once, and a library, and more :3

  4. I saw Miley Cyrus training and a bathroom a jail and a lot of gross stuff D:

  5. i seen a jail before

  6. and phantom clan den


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