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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halo Claws

Roar Jammers!  Let's start with the returning Bahari Bargains Halo!

Wouldn't they want to call it "Underwater Halo" instead of just plain halo, so it doesn't get confused with the land one?  Merp, I guess not..

And here are the Scorpion Claws from Epic Wonders.

 On an animal, they sorta look like they're floating in air. O-o

That's just a bit odd. 

Anywho, thanks to some Jammers, I figured out how to do the game request thing.  Turns out the glitch that we THOUGHT was a glitch a bit ago, was actually an improvement AJ HQ was trying to make.

Now you can say "Join me" instead of sending game requests to random people.

Aaand if you change your mind, you can exit out of it with this little button:

It might have been nice if this mini-update had been mentioned in the Jammer Journal.  Just saying. :p

A lovely Jammer Voice answer from Rainbowcat1.

 (On new animals) "First, about cheetahs, I think they shouldn't be sold in the diamond shop. Jammer's only options are to either buy a diamond card ($15.90/$25.95) or wait ten weeks (Or less). I think AJHQ knows how impatient some kids are, so, they have diamond cards, and then the kids will buy them, PLUS membership! Everywhere you go in Jamaa, there is mostly members, right? In all the worlds, its like that! AJHQ should have been getting enough money from that I think.

I think a few updates from now, thers should be a new animal! A squirrel! Actions i thought about! Hop: When it hops, an acorn appears below it's feet, and it pushes it into the ground!
Dance: Puts it's hand on it's hip, leans a little that way, puts it's other hand on it's hip, and shifts! Play: Digs into the ground, comes up with 5 acorns, and juggles them! Sleep: curls onto a ball and wraps it's tail around itself. :D "

This is the second request for squirrels!  :D  Who else agrees squirrels should be a new, NON MEMBER animal?

My 20,000 views contest is posted here!  Entries due by November 7th!

So long peeps.  Roar on!


    I could place a halo on a penguin/seal on both land AND water!
    I just need the gems- I spent them all from adventures on a Phantom Mask. D=
    Cahill AJ

  2. i just entered the contest

  3. I think nonmembers should have more equality,
    They should be able to go to the Meet Cosmo adventure! I had enough
    of members only stuff! Im gonna make a movement called Best For Jamaa (hopefully you can find a better name?) which includes getting more nonmember items! because AJHQ is making way to many member items >.< And i agree that AJHQ are millionaires already.

    Greedy AJHQ. :I

    1. And squirrels should be the new, NONMEMBER animals!

    2. Wow, that sounds like a awesome idea! Lemme know if I can do anything to help.


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Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2