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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Spooky Stuff and Opal

Roar Jammers!  There's quite a lot of new items today.  The first are the Epic Dragon Mask and the Epic Dragon Wings.

Brand new and definitely spooky-looking. o-o 
And there's returning ghosts in the den shop.

These look more cute than scary. XD
And, I almost forgot about the Spooky-themed floors and walls.

 And the cuddly tarantulas from the Diamond Shop

 So as it's the first day of October, the Spooky Party's out.

And yay, I got to one!  It actually looks like the Haunted Mansion party from a few seasons ago.

And yesh, you can turn into a ghost again.  ^D^  Here are the den items you can get.

And the clothing..

And of course the Spooky Bones music.

So cheap!

October brings the awesome opal birthstone.

I noticed that the sapphire is still there. O.o  Whatevs, I've learned not to question AJ's ways. XD

I'm gonna be much too busy to post tomorrow. D:  I think Lemo will be posting for me, if she can.  :3 

Bai guys!  Oh, today is the last day to enter Kinyonga's awesome (as always :D) contest.

1 comment:

  1. You know how on the DE, there's a Birthday Party topic?
    I sent an entry in.
    Can't wait for the post! If I win, I wonder what award I'll get O.O
    P.S. My entry was of my (nm account) wolf, near a pile of pets, Birthday cakes (years 2 and 3), and a pile of gifts, saying "Happy Birthday Infinity!" to my bunny.
    P.P.S. The animals in it SHOULD be Infinity Shiverpaw (bunny) and Wretched Scarymaster (wolf).


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