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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Deer fur and Daily Spin

Ello Jammers! Christmas is over, all your presents are opened, and there's those Christmas Feast leftovers.
Anyways, there are no more gifts. D: But there is the Daily Spin.. *not impressed*

Oh well, but I do miss the daily gifts. D: Anyways, the new item today is the fashionable Deer Fur. I mean, just whaat.

This is one of the SILLIEST items I have EVER seen, it looks so weird on other animals, but it looks top-notch on deers. Of course. Here's an example on snow leopards.

Alright, that look kind of nice, but the bow just goes behind. D: Also, another one with my fox. XD

That AWFULLY looks like a beard, I'm so confused. ;3;
I opened my den for I hope for a long time, mind visiting sometimes? o3o I also made a couple of drawings, this one is my favorite. <3

That drawing took up most of my time, like a lot. And, you may have been wondering this: "Where are the outfits?', well, fret no more! I will show you the lolita outfit. <3 But I'll go for "Gothic Lolita".
You'll need..
Any animal. >3<
A designer skirt
Spiked Collar (rare, or not) but you can switch that with any necklace!
Halo (can be switched into a bonnet)
Well, that's the outfit! See you soon! o3o


  1. First Comment!
    Okay, real comment, love your artwork, that is so cool!

  2. IKR. Why would AJ make deer fur? I mean, that'd scare or offend the deer animal, right? Also. Are the Christmas stuff at the Jam Mart Furniture still there?

    1. Yep, deer fur is weird. o-o
      The Christmas stuff is still on sale.. I'm just waiting for the snow fort and other winter items. ;O;

  3. It wont give me my daily spin!!!!! ................ fluffybunny326!


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Most importantly, have fun! -RockyTop2